About me

Fotografia mea
Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania
Lacomie , ambitie , sadicitate , vanitate , singuratate ,carti.

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

For my friends

Doubt thou the stars are fire
Doubt that the sun doth move
Doubt truth be a lie
But never doubt I love.

Mă îndoiesc că stelele sunt de foc
Mă îndoiesc că soarele se mișcă
Mă îndoiesc că adevarul poate fi minciună
Dar niciodată să nu te indoiești de dragostea mea .
(Letters to Juliette)

My dear friends , I soon realised that my aim is being loved , unfortunately I am blind , and I am very sorry for that , you don”t even know how sorry I am for my blindness.

I know my family loves me , I know my best friend cares about me , I know my lover loved me .... I know all these ....
But I have the misfortune of not feeling these ... I know it is painful for all of you to read this , but think a little bit of me ...... For me it is so painful that I can barly leave with this burden ......

Some of you might know about my dreams and that is the proof that you care about me .... so even if I might soon die I want you to know that I am ready for that .... and I do not regret anything ...... and when death will embrace me I will be thinking of you , my dears ....... and this is the most happiest thing :that I would have died for you , my friends ( there are two persons , and I hope they know that )......

I want you to know that , because I `ve never had the courage to tell you .....
I think I am not blind anymore .... but now I am afraid of something else .... What an irony ....