“I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” “If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.” (Kurt Cobain)
About me
- Night Shadow
- Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania
- Lacomie , ambitie , sadicitate , vanitate , singuratate ,carti.
duminică, 26 septembrie 2010
Fallen angel
I am a fallen angel
You don"t know how it"s like
How hard it is
But try to imagine the hell on the Earth
And then you"ll see what I fell
How a fallen angel feels ...
Xandria- Vampire(Lyrics)
Dark are the streets , gloom"s creeping out of the wals
Dirt comes alive and all the ne-on lights call
Demons and fools and a lady of black
She"s of the kind nighttime - insomiac
She sees the prey and she"s aware
The times are hard but she don"t care
She"s a vampire
Desire darker them black
Reach higher no turning back
Her wings are curtains of the night
She knows no wrong or right
Dead are the paces where this goodnes has been
Cold is the skin this creature has seen
Her univers is an ocean of blood
Her dining table the credle of mud
The night is blind
The mistress she is calling you
To be by her side forevermore
Follow her
Until her thirst is sated
Can"s got yourself
She"s got you paralized
So would you kiss the sunt goodbye ?
And give your life to never die ?
(All rights go to XANDRIA)
Dirt comes alive and all the ne-on lights call
Demons and fools and a lady of black
She"s of the kind nighttime - insomiac
She sees the prey and she"s aware
The times are hard but she don"t care
She"s a vampire
Desire darker them black
Reach higher no turning back
Her wings are curtains of the night
She knows no wrong or right
Dead are the paces where this goodnes has been
Cold is the skin this creature has seen
Her univers is an ocean of blood
Her dining table the credle of mud
The night is blind
The mistress she is calling you
To be by her side forevermore
Follow her
Until her thirst is sated
Can"s got yourself
She"s got you paralized
So would you kiss the sunt goodbye ?
And give your life to never die ?
(All rights go to XANDRIA)
duminică, 19 septembrie 2010
Her last words
On my weak body
I fell his tears
I am dying , I know that
HE cries above my dying body
I loved him ,he loved me
Why have this to be the end of the story ?
I dont want to die
I want to kiss him for the last time
He is going to be mine forever
I feel his hot tears on my cold fair skin
I dont want to die , not yet , not now
I want him to know that my life
Belongs to him , that I belong to him
And I will take our love in hell with me
So our love will never die as I did ...
duminică, 12 septembrie 2010
Ultima zi de vacanta ....
Din pacate , De maine incepem scoala ,....pacat fiindca simt ca a fost o vacanta fara prea multe peripetii asa cum obianuia sa fie cand eram mai mica ........intr-un alt fel imi pare bine pt ca o sa cunosc alti oameni (alti colegi si alti profi) asta fiind singura parte buna .....pe cand cele rele sunt cu nemiluita , ca de exemplu *1 o sa dam o caruta de teste le inceput ca sa vada profii ce ne mai amintim , ca si cum nu puteau sa vada ce mai stim prin alta metoda , dar ma rog...
*2 in cazul meu fiindca am trecut la liceu profii o sa fie mai exigenti
*3 o sa trebuiasca sa stiu ce îi place fiecarui prof si ce nu
*4 ca sa nu mai spun ca s-a terminat cu distractia si zilele cand muream de plictiseala (asta e farmencul vacantei ) si o sa incepem sa avem teme
*5 si cel mai rau e ca o sa intalnim tot felul de specimene , de excemplu cocalarii care nu stiu ce ai oamenii aia in cap .....
Cu toate astea o sa incer ca vad" sfertul" plin al paharului .....
Succes si voua si mie ..
marți, 7 septembrie 2010
Un moment de liniste ...
Privea de la etajul trei al viitoarei ei case , constructia nu era terminata dar nu mai era mult pana la mutare ... betonul avea o culoare alba .. poate din cauza razelor soarelui sau poate un strat de nea se asternuse subit ....it was so pacefull
Se apropia incet de margine , trei etaje sub ea , o gramada de lemne intinse pe jos si fier filosit , plus un abis in care zaceau toate visele ei ...
1,2,3 atat a durat caderea ,s-a avantatin zbor precum o pasare de pe un pisc ,.. dupa care un strigat sfasietor aproape neomenesc venit din strafundul sufletului ei menit sa cutrenure si cerurile ..... liniste profunda , toata strada s-a cufundat intr-o liniste macabra ...
3 cuie i-au strapuns pielea , au intrat in carnea ei , sangele picura incet pe o scandura , ea inconstienta sta intinsa cu o figura angelica deasupra iadului ce avea sa se dezlantuie .....
Sirenele salvarii se aud in surdina ....
To be continued
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